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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

Informations and Recomendations
PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
Local links and reservations



General Information | Information on the development of the World March

The Proposal | The World March: A Humanist Proposal !
File download
Manifesto of the World March | An open letter from an ordinary citizen to the world’s powerful

Endorse the March | Endorsement form

Endorsements | Endorsing personalities and organisations
XLS XLS download
PDF download
HQ Image download
Video streaming
HQ Video download
News | This month's news
Monthly Archive
Press room | Pressenza International Press Agency

Newsletter | Monthly Newsletter
View all documents
Editable file download
Initiatives | International initiatives and events
2nd October Events | Events in the starting day of the World March

Charter for a world without violence | 10th World Summit - Berlin

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information | Requirements for transit, visas, accommodation.
XLS XLS download
Agenda | Base Team Calendar
The Base Team | (video)
Who is in the Base Team?
Ethical Charter | Ethical Charter and commitments for members of the Base Team
Wellington Speech |
Donations | Help the March
Supporters list | Help the March
Documents | General Documents | Downloads
View all documents
World March Logo
Brochure for dissemination
Map of the complete March
World March Banners
World Without Wars Logo
Other documents of the March
Video | Streaming Video and Download High Quality videos
Streaming Video
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High Quality Video
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Audio MP3
Streaming mp3
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Images | Images (HQ) of the March around the world
Links | Links to national websites
Contacts | International Teams and Coordinators by Country
Route of the March
Map of the March
The World March in Numbers
World without Wars and without Violence (WwW)


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