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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - מידע שימושי

כבר 93 ימים של צעדה!
2 לאוקטובר 2009
2 לינואר 2010

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - מידע שימושי

Requirements and documentation needed for international transit.

Requisitos de tránsito y visas (esp)
Requirements for visas (eng)

Requesitos y documentación necesarios para entrar en territorio chileno


Requirements and documentation needed to enter Argentina.
אנחנו מצטערים... אין לנו את המסמך הזה מתורגם לשפתך

This information is a summary, gathered from of the official sources, of the immigration requirements to enter Argentinian territories. Some aspects are subject to change due to health or other circumstances so prior consultation is recommended.

Things to know before travelling to Argentina

Prior to travel check current immigration requirements by contacting the Consulate or Embassy of Argentina in your country. (for a list of Argentinian Representatives in the Exterior http://www.mrecic.gov.ar/portal/repre_argentinas/repre_argentinas.html) In particular health prerequisites (for example, required vaccinations), restrictions on entering with pets (health and vaccination certificates required by foreign health authorities) and prohibited comestibles (animal products, vegetables, fruits, unpackaged products etc) and requirements concerning the entry of vehicles. 

Before travelling, a good precaution is to carry photocopies of important travel documents. This will be convenient in two ways. First, if you lose your passport or travel documents, the photocopy will assist in requesting a replacement. Secondly, it is not necessary to carry your original passport when touring around foreign cities (unless you intend to leave to another destination or travel by plane), it is sufficient to carry the photocopy and leave the original in a secure location (in a hotel, for example) safeguarding against the unpleasant experience of losing it. 

Ensure that the immigration authorities stamp your passport or tourist visa card with entry and exit stamps, both upon entering the country as well as upon leaving, in order to avoid a fine or future complications.  

It is important to ascertain that your passport has not expired and it should also remain valid for at least 6 months after the date of commencing travel. 

Necessary Travel Documents

Usually you must present a valid Passport from your country upon entering Argentina. The passport must be valid at the start of travelling and should remain valid for at least six months following your departure date.

Travellers from countries bordering Argentina and Members or Associates of MERCOSUR http://www.migraciones.gov.ar should present one of the following documents: Identification Card, Passport, Foreign Identification Card, National Identification Card

The document presented should be in good condition. 

Entry of minors

Minors should present one of the following documents: Identification Card, Passport, Foreigner Identification Card, valid National Identification Card.

It is important to note that:

If the minor is travelling with both parents the Argentinian immigration authorities will ask for a birth certificate or certificate of marriage to establish ties, in order to prove that they are in fact the legal parents. 

If the minor is travelling with one of their parents, the immigration authorities will request evidence of permission from the other legal parent for the minor to leave Argentinian territory. 

If the minor is travelling alone or accompanied by a third party, the immigration authorities will request travel permission signed by both parents (Furthermore, it is recommended to carry this endorsement to assist in the application of a replacement passport in case of loss or theft). 

Tourist Visa

To enter Argentina you must have authorisation of admission (tourist visa).

The citizens of some countries (see ‘Entry visas for Argentina’) must apply for a tourist visa prior to travelling from a Consulate or Embassy of Argentina in their country. (See Argentinian Representatives in the Exterior http://www.mrecic.gov.ar/portal/repre_argentinas/repre_argentinas.html

In other cases it is NOT necessary to apply for the tourist visa prior to arriving (see ‘Entry visas for Argentina’)

In both cases, you must complete all personal information on the immigration card which will be stamped by the immigration authority and returned to you. This card will be required upon departing the country, for this reason this document should be kept safe. The loss of this card will result in fines and delays which are inconvenient and avoidable. 

Documents required to obtain a Visa prior to arrival

Valid Passport or other document authorised by the Republic of Argentina. 

  1. Application Form (provided by the Consulate) 
  2. 1 photograph 4 x 4 
  3. Return ticket 
  4. Payment of consulate fee 
  5. Evidence of sufficient financial funds 

For more complete information and consultation of visa requirements for entry of the Republic of Argentina visit http://www.mrecic.gov.ar/portal/temas_consulares/visas.html

Emergency Contacts

Chile, Santiago: Mario Aguilar [email protected]
Buenos Aires: Nestor Tato  [email protected]
Mendoza: Oscar Cevey [email protected]  Telephone: (+549)261.690.5965

Visas para ingresar a Argentina (esp)
Entry visas for Argentina (eng)
Въезд в Аргентину (rus)

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