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Links to national websites

March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

Informations and Recomendations
PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
Local links and reservations

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We include only links that are:
World March Sites, World without Wars Sites. Blogs (referring to the World March), Facebook groups (referring to the World March) and Websites that have clearly visible links to the TWM site.

International www.mundosinguerras.org
Argentina www.mundosinguerrasrionegro.blogspot.com
Argentina www.mundosinguerras.net
Argentina www.mundosinguerrasmdp.org.ar
Bolivia www.msgbolivia.org
Canada www.worldwithoutwars.ca
Chile www.mundosinguerras.cl
Ecuador www.mundosinguerras.ec
France http://mondesansguerres.hautetfort.com
Germany www.weltohnekriege.humanista.eu
Greece www.kosmosxorispolemous.gr
Hungary www.haborunelkulivilag.hu
India http://www.worldwithoutwars.in
Italy www.mondosenzaguerre.org
Russia www.humanismo.narod.ru
Spain www.mundosinguerras.es
Spain www.msgcanarias.org
Spain www.monsenseguerres.org
Spain http://www.mundosinguerras-cv.org/
Switzerland www.weltohnekrieg.ch

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