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Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard
Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard

Mark Laurent and Brenda Liddiard

New Zealand | Music
Mark and Brenda have been touring NZ, the UK and Australia for 30 years, both solo and as a duo, using music, poetry and humour to talk about "life, the universe, and everything". "Between them Mark and Brenda have recorded 20 albums, written hundreds of songs, and their "unplugged" style includes blues, reggae, acoustic rock, ballads and new country. Guitars, mandolin, rowan lute, harmonicas and vocals weave a tapestry of sound and feeling that is both entertaining and moving. Mark has also published 2 books of poetry, and written articles for New Zealand and international magazines. Both have performed numerous times on radio and television" - ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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