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Elke Koller
Elke Koller

Elke Koller

Germany | Activism
Elke Koller, a member of various peace organisations, has for years been organising protests against the US atom bomb in
Elke Koller, a member of various peace organisations, has for years been organising protests against the US atom bomb in Germany
“There are still 20 US B61 atom bombs in the middle of the Eifel on the 33rd Fighter Bomber Squadron at the Büchel Air Base. Here, German Tornado pilots practise dropping these dreadful bombs, each one with an explosive force 10- to 20-times more powerful than a Hiroshima bomb. This “nuclear wealth2 within NATO is not only a massive violence of the German republic, but it also leaves the residents of the Eifel living in fear and terror: fear of losing their jobs, because they are blackmailed with the existence of these atomic weapons, fear that terrorists could get hold of the atomic weapons, but also fear of an accident with these weapons...“ ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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