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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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Regina Lund
Regina Lund

Regina Lund

Sweden | TV-Cinema-Theatre
Peace activist, actress, singer/song writer, book writer, poet, artist, record label owner, clothes designer, director,
REGINA LUND is a Swedish peace activist, actress, singer/song writer, book writer, poet, artist, record label owner, clothes designer, director and a mother. Regina Lund will be peace speaking and singing in Stockholm on the 29th of October 2009 and she will also walk part of the world march, between Stockholm and Copenhagen, but you can be sure to see her at other parts of the walk as well. Regina Lund will try to make it from the start on Gandhis birthday the 2 Oct in New Zeeland. She is also helping on our work to organize Sweden. The newly internationally released album DARE Regina Lund includes many songs for peace like Dare, Hope and Courage. We hope to hear her on the 29th of October in Stockholm.
”When I was asked to peace talk, sing and walk for peace in The World March I was honoured and said yes right away because I believe the time for peace on Earth is right now and I believe in actions that includes the whole of humanity, the whole Earth. I believe everybody can walk for peace, sinner and saint alike.There is no sinner without a future and no saint without a past, so we should allow, without judgement everybody to join. We can all work everyday to enlighten each other and work towards love, empathy, peace and forgiveness. We can all help each other. Create joyful actions. Happiness. Peace. We can walk for peace every day. Every step we take can be a peaceful, loving one. Every step can be a kiss! Where ever we take it. No matter what our believes are today, if we can unite under the manifest of The World March in peaceful walking, a peaceful meditation together for peace on Earth and in the Universe, we will take a huge step for humanity. Silence and physical non violent actions are very good for the Earth. Walking is good. Walking together is even better. Let’s do it! Come on! Citizens of the Earth , lets walk peacefully together. Every step is a kiss!!! Let’s walk this Earth with peace, love and care! I will walk! Come walk with me! Let’s kiss our beautiful Earth together!”” Regina Lund ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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