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Endorsing personalities and organisations

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October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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Bamako's Council
Bamako's Council

Bamako's Council

Mali | Municipality
Mali's Capital
The Bamako’s council has given the endorsment to the Worldwide March for Peace and Nonviolence through his mayor, Adama Sangaré. Adama Sangarè was graduated in law at ”Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA)”, Mali’s university and he’s a Business Administration Master achivied by ”Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion” (ESG), Québec’s university in Montréal. He was actively engaged in many associations and as secretary of Section III of party ADEMA – PASJ (“Alliance pour Démocratie au Mali” – “Parti Africain pour Solidarité et Justice”). From 1998 he’s worked in Mali’s institutions as Comune III counsellor, Bamako cancellor, president of the commission Twinning and Cooperation and manager of the agency “Agence d’Exécution de Travaux d’Intérêt Public pour l’Emploi” (AGETIPE). He’s the the third mayor elected in Bamako during the last municipal elections of the 26 april 2009. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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