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Oumar Mariko
Oumar Mariko

Oumar Mariko

Mali | Politics
Mali's party SADI secretary
Oumar Mariko is born in 1959. His political engagement started when he was student: he attended activities of the association ” Union des élèves étudiants du Mali”. Afterwards he was the general secretary of ”Association des élèves étudiants du Mali” and , as spokesman of the same association, attended to ”Comité de transition pour le salut du peuple” organized after demonstations against Moussa Traorè’s gouvernement in 1991. From 1995 he manages as director the private radios network Kayira. In 1996 created the political party ”Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l'Indépendance”(SADI). He was candidate to presidential elections that took place in Mali in 2002 and 2007. His campaign was focused on refusal of the actual economical, social e healt program, himself declared in favour of a “national State democratic and popular”. He is against the national companies privatization and “nepotism” in social housing attribution. During the electoral campign of 2007 has denounced fraud’s attemps. Oumar Mariko is now secretary of party SADI and member of Mali’s parliament, l’Assemblée Nationale, for Kolondjièba in the Sikasso region (the third country’s region on the border with Ivory Coast). ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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