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PeaceQuest International
PeaceQuest International

PeaceQuest International

Sweden | Peace and Nonviolence
PEACEQUEST had its origin in the initiative of Valentin Sevéus who founded in 1983 the foundation with the name Collaboration for Peace. Its purpose was as the formulated in the regulations to “start and support initiatives to promote understanding and compromise between people and nations globally”. We are organized three focus areas: • Democracy group shall support development of democracy. • Peace group support peace promotional activities. • Current issues group monitors and discusses current issues. Within each area different projects are carried out. We arrange future conferences around different themes in our organization. Supporting groups: In addition to our activity groups, we even arrange collective actions, organize courses and conferences together, co-ordinate PR campaigns, organize member’s activities and more. Our supporting groups are called Finance, PR, Training and Membership. Fataneh Nik-Khakian, President ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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