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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
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Tekniikka elämää palvelemaan – Tekniken I livets tjänst ry (Technology for Life)
Tekniikka elämää palvelemaan – Tekniken I livets tjänst ry (Technology for Life)

Tekniikka elämää palvelemaan – Tekniken I livets tjänst ry (Technology for Life)

Finland | Peace and Nonviolence
Technology for Life (founded 1983) is a Finnish NGO interested in the effects of technology to the society and environment. Its aims are: to promote the use of technology that improves the conditions of living of mankind, to increase justice and strengthen peace and to enhance the ethical awareness of people working in the field of technology. Our work includes making influence to Finnish policy, cooperation with international organisations and development cooperation projects. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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