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 Fefe Kone
Fefe Kone

Fefe Kone

Mali | Municipality
Director of Cabinet of Bamako’s Governorship
Ibrahim Féfé Koné, director of Cabinet of Bamako’s Governorship since 2003, was appointed Governor of the District of Bamako in 2006. Ibrahim Féfé Koné was born in San, graduate to Mali’s University ”Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA)” in 1979, specialized in public administration, has worked for long at time as Mali’s public administrator: trainee at the Bourem-lnaly district in the Tombouctou region, financial manager at Néguéla’s council in the Kati region, firts fellow worker of the financial manager of the Niono region before doing the same function in Kayes and Gao, financial manager of the Baraoueli district and then of the Bankass disctrict, delegate of the Koutiala district. Hi was an administrator very able and worked as consulent expert in order to decentralize the Mali’s public administration by means of state institutions reforms. You could assert, without mistakes making, that he’s one of the most representative man of Mali’s Republic, administrator of the city of the three caymans. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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