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Silo (Mario Rodríguez)
Silo (Mario Rodríguez)

Silo (Mario Rodríguez)

Argentina | Peace and Nonviolence
Writer and thinker
Silo, (Mario Rodriguez), Spanish-Argentinean, founder of Universalist Humanism, is the inspiration behind the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. Since 1969, through gatherings, conferences, seminars and public events, Silo has publically denounced the growing violence in the world and promoted the need for active nonviolence. His thought has been expressed in numerous writings – prose-poetry, descriptive psychology, short stories, letters, historiological discussions, studies on myth – which address multiple aspects of human life and the process of humanity, now rapidly approaching an unprecedented turning point. It is from his thought and teachings that the Humanist Movement arose which has implemented the methodology of active nonviolence in social, cultural and political activism through countless grassroots organizations all over the world. He is the recipient of the Honoris Causa degree, awarded by the Russian Academy of Sciences. From his thought and teachings the Humanist Movement arose and it has implemented the methodology of active nonviolence in social, cultural and political activism through countless grassroots organizations throughout the world.
A march is crossing the world. The March for Peace and Nonviolence. The most urgent task is to create awareness of Peace and disarmament. But it is also necessary to awaken a consciousness of Active Nonviolence, which allows us to reject not only physical violence, but all forms of economic, racial, psychological, and gender violence. Of course, we hope that this new sensibility can take root in and inspire social structures, opening a path to the future Universal Human Nation. The World March calls on all people to join forces and to take into their own hands the responsibility to change our world, overcoming personal violence and supporting the growth of this positive influence in their immediate environment.

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