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October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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Margaret Lawlor-Bartlett QSM
Margaret Lawlor-Bartlett QSM

Margaret Lawlor-Bartlett QSM

New Zealand | Activism
Initiator of VAANA 1984 Director VAANA Mural Stage 3
Visual Artists Against Nuclear Arms (VAANA) officially began in 1984 in response to the escalating world-wide nuclear threat and the realization that the NZ National Government under Muldoon was poised to revoke the anti-nuclear efforts of Kirk's Labour Government. Over the next ten years VAANA achieved a large number of projects, its members met on a regular basis at Outreach (now Artstation) and were responsible for producing graphics for many peace organizations. Auckland's VAANA (Visual Artists Against Nuclear Arms) Peace Mural in Karangahape Rd is considered to be its most far reaching visual statement against nuclear arms. The formation of VAANA in 1984 together with all the other groups: Physicians Against Nuclear Arms, Scientists Against Nuclear Arms, Architects Against Nuclear Arms etc helped defeat the Muldoon Government in the 1984 elections and give victory to David Lange's anti-nuclear government. The mural is New Zealand's Peace Wall. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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