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Asociatia Rom Pentru Rom
Asociatia Rom Pentru Rom

Asociatia Rom Pentru Rom

Romania | Education
The Association Rom pentru Rom is a no-profit organization, whose the main purposes are:  contributing to promotion and development of Roma minority in all the possible dimensions; and developing the idea of voluntary service as expression of social solidarity, in order to support youth in general. At Centre ‘Pinochio’ we carry out non-forml educational activities which can give children and teenagers the tools to develop their own creativity and personal expression and which can properly direct the educational objectives concerning alphabetization, personal hygiene, respect towards the others and the surrounding environment;. Activities, at Centre ‘Pinochio’ are intended to improve youth and children educational and artistic skills, trying to improve reciprocal knowledge and to develop good levels of tolerance. Vision Roma and non-Roma children going together, without any discrimination nor differences, everywhere they are, to school, home, to sports ground, etc. Future parents being responsible about education, childhood and personal hygiene of their own children. The reduction of illiteracy and alcoholism. Formation and preparation to face life with consciousness and responsibility. The active involvement of Panciu youth in social activities towards the disadvantaged population, they being aware they are building their own future in a better environment for themselves and for their children.
Rom Pentru Rom has decided to partecipate to the World March for Peace and Nonviolence because we firmly believe in the value and meaning of the word Peace. Daily we promote activites for building intercultural, social, interethnic dilaogue and social inclusion. Integration is the key element of our concept of peace and we try to create an awareness in the new generations about their role of peace builders in accepting cultural, social and ethnic diversities. By creating a critical awarness in the new generations and stressing on their active role as promoters of changement for the present and future times we will succed in building a different world in which the word Peace will be superfluos and also its opposites and synonimus. We beleive in it and that's why we will be present on the path for Peace. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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