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Asociatia Serviciul Apel
Asociatia Serviciul Apel

Asociatia Serviciul Apel

Romania | Other
The Apel Service Asociation is a non profit, non governamental organization fightin against social and economical discrimination in Bucarest and Timisoara. As a local actor Apel promote programs and services of vocational training, profesional integration and consultancy and support in the field of Social Economy. All its services are avalaible for citizens in situation of social exclusion.
Being an actor of the humanitarian and social issues, as organization we realized that the programs aiming to support citizens in situation of social exclusion will be usefulless without changing the attitude of the whole society. We really believe that there is a need of putting the Human Being and the Environement at the center of our lives in order to build an effective inclusive society . ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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