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Wind of Citizens toward Uniting for Peace

Japan | Activism
Mouvement for peace
There exist persistent movements to alter the world renowned Peace Constitution of Japan. Japanese major political parties, DP and LDP, do not have the programs to maintain the present Constitution, especially, article 9, which bans land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, and the right of belligerency of the state. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by the single-seat constituency system for 300 seats, and by the proportional representation system for 180 seats. Therefore potential "article 9 seat" could fail to be won when “multiple article 9 candidates" run for one single-seat constituency. Founded on May 26, 2006, Wind of Citizens toward Uniting for Peace is committed to making "unified article 9 candidate" in one single-seat constituency. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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