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Green Cross International
Green Cross International

Green Cross International

Switzerland | Attivismo
The mission of Green Cross International is to help ensure a just, sustainable and secure future for all by fostering a value shift and cultivating a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility in humanity's relationship with nature. The human relationship with nature crosses all boundaries and transcends all ideas of class, which necessitates a solution that goes beyond good governance and good policy, and hinges on the shared responsibility for a sustainable and just future for all.
Green Cross shares the goals the World March is working towards with the overall objective of achieving a brighter future where sustainable development is a reality. With these mutual objectives and aspirations in mind, Green Cross International fully supports the World March, where borders and divisions are dissolved as people from different cultures march toward a better global community. ®2024 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Risoluzione : 1024/768 | Torna su
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