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The Very Reverend Frank Nelson
The Very Reverend Frank Nelson

The Very Reverend Frank Nelson

New Zealand | Religious and Spiritual
Dean of the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
"South African born, Frank was ordained priest in 1979 and has worked as a priest in South Africa, Hong Kong and New Zealand. He has always had a passion for Cathedrals and the unique opportunities they offer. He is particularly interested in good liturgy and music, coupled with a rigorous searching for ways to make faith relevant today while maintaining links with the past. He sees a Cathedral reaching out to a wide variety of people in many different ways. As Dean Frank is responsible for the overall vision, work and ministry of the Cathedral and is often seen as the ’public’ face of St Paul’s." - ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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