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Dr. Edric Baker
Dr. Edric Baker

Dr. Edric Baker

New Zealand | Health
Head Doctor at the Kailakuri Health Centre , Bangladesh
Dr Baker is a New Zealand born Doctor who has spent over two decades working with the poor and treating the poor in Bangladesh. Dr Baker also worked in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. In 1983 he set up the Kailakuri Health Centre in Bangladesh. Dr Baker's belief is that to effectively assist the poor you have to identify and live with the poor. His deep belief in the Christian faith has made him painfully aware of the plight of the destitute, vulnerable and outcasts of society. The Kailakuri Health Centre has staff from different ethnicities and faiths who harmoniously work and live together for the good of their community. ®2024 | Last change: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Resolution : 1024/768 | top
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