Mardi, 16 Juillet 2024 Bookmark and Share
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Nous avons marché 93 jours !
2 octobre 2009
2 janvier 2010

Informations et recommandations
PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Information utile
Liens locaux et réservations



Netherlands | Religion et Spiritualité
Religious organisation
Prasne was constituted in 2007 by initiative of 10 Arya Samaj organisations in the Netherlands, which are now in 2009 15 organisations The Arya Samaj is a reformation movement inside the Hinduism all over the world Aims of the organisation: Collaboration with all democratic organisations in the country and abroad, based on reciprocity in respect and equality, common goals for building bridges between cultures.
An initiative to organise the World March is more than justified, seen the Total climate in the World in literally and figurative sense. What Prasne concerns there must not exist war and violence on this beautiful world, which should be protected and cared for. Its destruction must be rejected and more initiatives should come for the preservation of this world. With thanks to the organizers of this World March 2009. Mr. I. Matav, chairman ®2024 | Dernière actualisation: 08:00 - 01/01/1970 (UTC/GMT) | Résolution : 1024/768 | Haut de la page
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