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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

PANA the Irish Peace and Neutrality Alliance
PANA the Irish Peace and Neutrality Alliance

PANA the Irish Peace and Neutrality Alliance

Ireland | Peace and Nonviolence
Antiwar organisation
The Peace & Neutrality Alliance was established to advocate an independent Irish foreign policy, maintain Irish neutrality and promote a transformed United Nations as the organisation through which Ireland should pursue its security concerns.
PANA the Irish Peace and Neutrality Alliance endorsed the World March for Peace and Nonviolence beacuse Pana advocates that Ireland should have it's independent foreign policy and neutrality should be integral of that policy. It is Within the OSCE and a reformed United Nations, and not the EU, that Ireland should pursue its security concerns. Ireland should pursue a positive neutrality and independent foreign policy and not join or form an association with any military alliance, such as the WEU or NATO. Ireland should seek to promote European and international security through a policy of disarmament and demilitarisation and should therefore oppose the militarisation of the EU. Ireland should refuse to cooperate with or condone in any way policies or military groupings which maintain nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction. Irish troops should only serve abroad as peacekeepers under the auspices of the UN. We should be permitted through a reformed united nations." says Roger Cole chairman of Pana.

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