الثلاثاء 16 يوليوز 2024 Bookmark and Share
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الشخصيات و المنظمات التي انضمت

مر 93 من أيام المسيرة!
2 أكتوبر 2009
2 يناير 2010

معلومات وتوصيات
PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - معلومات هامة
وصلات محلية وحجز



Romania | الجهات
The city became a municipality Focsani, Vrancea county of residence, with the new administrative division - the territory of Romania in 1968. Focsani town lies at the crossroads of rail and road communication lines European rail corridor is crossed by no. 9 (Helsinki - Moscow - Chisinau - Bucharest - Plodviv) and may benefit from the proposal to extend the road corridor no. 1 (Tallinn - Warsaw - Chernovtsy - Bucharest).

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