2024年7月16 火曜日 Bookmark and Share
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行進日 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

Larry Marshall
Larry Marshall

Larry Marshall

Australia | Education
Projects Manager, Center for Dialogue at La Trobe University
"Larry Marshall is the Project Manager for the Centre for Dialogue where he is responsible for two projects involving the Muslim Community in Victoria. He coordinates the 'Young Muslim Leadership Training Program' and the visits by Islamic Scholars to Australia (former Iranian President Khatami in 2009). Larry was born in Sri Lanka. He migrated to Australia in his high school years and studied at La Trobe University where he completed an honours degree in Politics and Economics. He taught commerce and humanities in high schools for ten years. Larry then volunteered to work overseas with 'Australian Volunteers International' and spent the next four years doing development work in the Philippines. He has worked as a radio journalist in Community Radio and at the ABC. He returned to La Trobe University to take a Masters in Media and Cinema Studies". - http://www.latrobe.edu.au/socsci/staff/marshall/marshall.html

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