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Tomás Hirsch
Tomás Hirsch

Tomás Hirsch

Chile | Politics
. Promoted the nonviolent struggle against the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. One of the founders of the Alliance of Parties for Democracy in 1988. 2005 presidential candidate for Juntos Podemos Mas, a left-wing alliance in Chile. Currently Hirsch is the spokesperson for New Humanism in Latin America. Has traveled in this capacity throughout America and Europe meeting with most of the progressive leaders in the region, including Evo Morales, President of Bolivia. Promotes Latin American integration toward a Universal Human Nation, fostering the values of peace and active nonviolence. Published work: The End of Prehistory: a path to freedom.
“It is important to engrave in the memory of the new generations that human beings of different cultures and beliefs are crying out for peace, and that the struggle to achieve it is through nonviolence.”

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