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Mayors for Peace
Mayors for Peace

Mayors for Peace

Japan | Peace and Nonviolence
Mayors for Peace, established in 1982, is an international organization of cities, dedicated to the promotion of peace. The current Mayor of Hiroshima, Tadatoshi Akiba, is the President of the organization today. When new members join it means they support the commencement of negotiations towards the elimination of nuclear weapons by the year 2020.
Dear Mr. de la Rubia, I am writing as mayor of Hiroshima and as president of Mayors for Peace to formally endorse the World Peace March. It is my understanding that you are mobilizing people around the planet to raise the profile of the peace issue. I understand that the abolition of nuclear weapons is a part of your agenda, which makes me more than happy to support your effort. I hope that, in return, you will support Mayors for Peace. We are the largest and fastest growing international municipal association in the world. Our membership stands at 2,777 cities in 134 countries and regions, but we need to keep growing rapidly if we are to influence international politics. The international community will decide at the NPT Review Conference in 2010 whether to eliminate nuclear weapons or let them spread uncontrolled across the globe. If they spread, they will be used. Thus, we, human beings, are deciding now whether to eliminate them or use them. I am sure you can see immediately that the only hope for world peace is the elimination of these weapons. This is a test we can and must pass. When we do, we can move on to cooperatively solving the many other problems we face. Our primary campaign tool is the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol. I will send you information separately about the protocol, our campaign and Mayors for Peace. I do hope that wherever your participants travel, they will help us recruit mayors, collect signatures, and, above all, inform people regarding the need to support the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol. Such activities will add to the excitement and meaning of your journey and be a direct, valuable contribution to solving the decisive problem of our time – the abolition of nuclear weapons. Thank you for your tremendous contribution. I wish you and the Peace March the greatest possible success. Sincerely yours, Tadatoshi Akiba Mayor of Hiroshima

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