2024年7月16 火曜日 Bookmark and Share
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行進日 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

Helen Clark
Helen Clark

Helen Clark

New Zealand | Human Rights
Head of United Nations Development Programme
Helen Clark was a member of the 1984-1999 New Zealand Labour government which introduced peace studies into the school curriculum, and which prohibited nuclear weapons despite opposition from key allies. Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1999 to 2008 - the second woman to serve in this role. Launched the Global Campaign for Peace Education in 2000. Honorary member of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament. Member of the Council of Women World Leaders, an International network of current and former women presidents and prime ministers whose mission is to mobilize the highest-level women leaders globally for collective action on issues of critical importance to women and equitable development. She currently heads the United Nations Development Programme.

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