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Nestor Kirchner
Nestor Kirchner

Nestor Kirchner

Argentina | Politics
Lawyer, Politician
Nestor Carlos Kirchner was the 54th President of Argentina between the 25th of May 2003 and the 10th of December 2007. He was succeeded by his wife, Cristina Fernandez. Before being President he was Governor of the Province of Santa Cruz. Currently he is President of the Justicialist Party.
I send a very special message of endorsement for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. May these lines be an expression of the certainty that we must all commit ourselves to work every day for the construction of a world without violence, in which the banners of justice, liberty, dialogue, equal opportunities and respect for the dignity of every human being are upheld. Let the March find people from all nations together striving for peace and liberty.

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