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Evo Morales Ayma
Evo Morales Ayma

Evo Morales Ayma

Bolivia | Politics
President of Bolivia
Bolivian President since 2006. Politician, activist and union leader. Evo comes from an Aymara family, an indigenous nation that promotes the three fundamental pillars of wisdom in their education: don't steal, don't be lazy and don't lie. His background was formed - as he says himself - in the "University of Life". MAS, the Movement to Socialism, led by Evo, became the leading political force in the country. Morales has received the honour of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Panama University and the National University of La Plata, Argentina.
“Of course we support the World March for Peace and Nonviolence... what more important cause than peace could there be?"

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