الثلاثاء 16 يوليوز 2024 Bookmark and Share
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On top of the world in Iceland

Iceland Reykjavik | 12. يوليوز 2009 00:12
160 people climb 24 mountain peaks in Iceland to put the WM logo on top of all of them!

The initiative that starts on Saturday 11th July will be publicised on Icelandic Radio.

Helga Óskarsdóttir, WM Spokesperson in Iceland also reported, "The other action this weekend is at the biggest sports competition event over here. The sports Union will have two big WM - flags and a huge WM logo at the welcome opening ceremony later on today. There will be about 12,000 people there and the president of Iceland will be there as a guest of honour."

"We will have leaflets distributed there. The chairman of the Sports Union contacted the Newspapers and two TV stations about it."

The World March

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