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مر 93 من أيام المسيرة!
2 أكتوبر 2009
2 يناير 2010

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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - معلومات هامة
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Peace symbol for World March in Skopje

Macedonia Skopje | 08. يونيو 2009 08:12
On Saturday 7th June one peace symbol was made during Basker Fest in Skopje.

There was the partecipation of World without wars, Universal Peace Federation, pacifists, students and youth associations.

Local press has given big space about this manifestation. The World March will be in macedonian capital on 30th and 31th of October 2009, thanking to the collaboration of Sportovnj Union, which is looking after about organizing logistic of these days.

info: Dino Mancarella - [email protected]



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