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أخبار الشهر الحالي

مر 93 من أيام المسيرة!
2 أكتوبر 2009
2 يناير 2010

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Palestine: Bethlehem government endorses March

Palestine Bethlehem | 10. أكتوبر 2009 22:07
Rana Al-Arja and Lubna Bandak from Holy Land Trust and Patricia Arriagada from Chilean organization The Community for Human Development met with Bethlehem Governor Mr. Abed Al Fatah Hamayel in order to invite him to join the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. He fully welcomed the idea and confirmed his participation during the March.

On 29th September, Rana Al-Arja and Lubna Bandak from Holy Land Trust and Patricia Arriagada from Chilean organization The Community for Human development met with Bethlehem Governor Mr. Abed Al Fatah Hamayel in order to invite him to join the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. He fully welcomed the idea and confirmed his participation during the March that he described as "a light in the darkness that we are living in." Mr. Hamayel will attend the March in Bethlehem on October 14th which will begin at the Nativity square and reach Aida Camp where a celebration will be held with Governor Hamayel as one of the main speakers. The Governarate of Bethlehem also assured help in the organization and the security on this day and will provide support with all arrangements.

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