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2 أكتوبر 2009
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Hundreds protest in Kyoto against war, poverty and discrimination

Japan Kyoto | 20. أكتوبر 2009 14:19
"Collective action in Kyoto against War, Poverty and Discrimination" was the banner for hundreds of Kyoto activists demonstrating today. Women’s groups, anti US bases organisations, communists, anti-nuclear power organisations and organisations defending article 9 of the Japanese constitution were among those represented together with the World March for Peace and Nonviolence."

During the afternoon and early evening of October 18th hundreds of activists from various spheres came together in a Kyoto park to make their voices heard against war, poverty and discrimination and in favour of Peace and Nonviolence.

The World March for Peace and Nonviolence was there on day 2 of its passage through Japan and greeted with great enthusiasm by the local activists. Spokesperson Rafa de la Rubia spoke about the March and introduced the multinational team. He talked about the importance of Japan in the anti-nuclear protests and encouraged all those present to join in the World March.

The peaceful March left the Park shortly after 5pm and made its way through the streets chanting slogans and demands. Many slogans called for the closure of the US military base in Okinawa. Regarding this de la Rubia commented, “We totally support the demands of those who are here today who want Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution to be respected. We also whole-heartedly support the calls for US Bases on Japanese soil to be closed. Both of these issues fit perfectly with the proposals of the World March


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