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أخبار الشهر الحالي

مر 93 من أيام المسيرة!
2 أكتوبر 2009
2 يناير 2010

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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - معلومات هامة
وصلات محلية وحجز

Queen Rania: I hope each step brings us closer to a world of peace and nonviolence.

Jordan Amman | 26. ماي 2009 21:12
In an important development from the Middle East, news reaches the World March of the endorsement by Queen Rania of Jordan.

Today, as a result of work done by friends promoting the World March in New Zealand, the endorsement of Queen Rania arrived.

This is the highest level endorsement yet to reach us from the Middle East; a region in which it is so important to promote peace and nonviolence.

Here we reproduce the text of the letter:

May 11th 2009

Dear Mr Ware,

It is with pleasure that I endorse the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.  For three months, millions of people will carry a universal message of peace across countries and continents, through tropical climes and temperate seasons.  Yet, this journey will also symbolise a step forward in humanity's history, away from discord and towards harmony.

The World March comes at an important time in world events.  With crises and conflicts around the world that threaten the lives and livelihoods of people everywhere, there is increasing urgency to end all violence.

I wish all those participating in the event the best of luck; may God bless you and keep you safe.  I hope each step brings us closer to a world of peace and nonviolence.

Warmest regards,

Rania Al Abdullah

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