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পরিভ্রমণ দিন 93 !
০২ অক্টোবর ২০০৯
০২ জানুয়ারী ২০১০

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - প্রয়োজনীয় তথ্যসমূহ

শান্তির জন্য ১০০০ ক্রেন

Ecuador Quito | 14. জুলাই 2009 12:33
The event “One thousand Cranes for Peace” in the Ecuadorean capital was a great success. During three days participants learnt how to make paper cranes and heard the story of Sadako Sasaki, which moved more than one person and filled them with enthusiasm to join the symbolic origami event to proclaim peace in the world. This year the cranes are dedicated to the World March.

Sadoka Sasaki was 2 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on her home town of Hiroshima on the 6th August 1945. When she was 12 she was hospitalised with leukaemia and given a year to live. Her best friend came to the hospital and taught her how to fold paper cranes, a mythical and holy bird in Japanese culture. According to Japanese tradition the folding of a thousand cranes means that a living crane can grant you a wish, such as long life or recovery from a serious illness. Sadly Sadako's wish didn't come true but her story has become a symbol of the struggle for peace and the campaign against nuclear weapons.

During the event hundreds of hands came together for this initiative held for the second year in Ecuador and organised by the "Paper Quito" Origami club; mainly students from various schools and colleges of Quito, who folded and learnt about the wonderful world of Origami.

Hosted in the galleries of the Ministry of Culture the event was also visited by professors passionate about art, curious young people and enthusiastic family members. For "Paper Quito" it was a moment to show paper creations that demonstrated talent, knowledge, patience, skill and passion.

They will be given to the group "Semilleros de la No-violencia Activa" (The Seeds of Active Nonviolence) who are promoting the WM in Ecuador and preparing for its arrival in December 2009. "So, in the months that remain before this great event the Origami Club, "Paper Quito" will continue folding cranes and transmit the message of peace," their spokesperson said.

Verónica Echegaray

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