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The World March introduced in International Water Forum in Istanbul

Turkey Istanbul | 23. Juli 2009 03:43
During the International Water Forum in Istanbul from 17th until 23rd of March 2009 there has been an alternative forum joined by many environmental organizations form all over the world.

For Italy were on the forum some local managers or their representatives and the organizations who join the Movement for the water. There have been many meetings about water basics and the problem of the dams, especially the GAP Project in South East Anatolia (Turkish Kurdistan) that includes the building of four mega dams on the Tigri, Euphrat, Munzur and Zap rivers. Entire valleys would be submerged by water and the resident people had to leave their homes. Also in Hasankeyf on the Tigri river an important archaeological site would be lost for ever.

In the last day of the forum in the new University of Istanbul during the plenary meeting Edvino Ugolini of the Net of Artists against War has presented the World March for Peace and nonviolence.


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