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March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
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A day of peace and nonviolence in support of the World March

Argentina Avellaneda, Gran Buenos Aires | June 23, 2009 04:49
This event took place in the prestigios Teatro Roma, with the participation of local and provincial authorities and organisations.

The day was organised jointly by the Avellaneda Council, local teams of World without Wars, The Community for Human Development, the National Human Rights and Community Action Forum, and the Forum of Women, Peace and Development.

The event started with the Reading of the declaration of interest from the Council Executive, the Council and the Chamber of Senators of Buenos Aires Province.

Subsequently, various speakers referred to the theme of the day and videos were projected.  The organisers handed out informative material, also gathering new endorsements for the March.

Marcha Mundial

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