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World March launch in Quito

Ecuador Quito | July 20, 2009 12:27
With a symbolic action hundreds of people from children, youth, adults both men and women organised by the Humanist Movement through one of it’s organisms, World without Wars, will officially launch the World March in the city of Quito.

In Quito, the launch began with various convergent marches towards the Stone Arch in El Ejido Park. Once in place, the children invited various people who have endorsed the March to "Put the World March t-shirt on", among those taking part were: Juan Zapata, Viviana Cordero, Rosa María Torres, Tombak, Manuela Gallegos, Juana Guarderas, Blanca Chancoso, Pedro Restrepo, Jaime Galarza, Fausto Dután, Alejandra Delgado and René Espín. The participants then formed the living symbol of Nonviolence.

At least 25 organisations took part in the launch events.

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