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First meeting between WM organisers and delegated Ministers in Ecuador

Ecuador Quito | July 23, 2009 22:55
On the 13th of July the first coordination meeting took place with delegated Ministers invited by the Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic and coordinators of the Institutional Relations and Communications Commissions of the WM in Ecuador.

In the meeting the commitment of the government of President Rafael Correa to support the WM through his Ministers was ratified.  Basic agreements were made regarding coordination, priorities, timetable of meetings with each minister to clarify the sort of support and the date of the next wider meeting.

Those participating were: Secretary of the Presidency (E. Villacís); Minister of Education (L. Monteros);  Minister of Culture (S. Alcívar), Sports Minister (G. Campaña), Minister for Foreign Affairs (Doris Melo y L.Sanchez); Heritage Minister (Y. León); Minister of Defence (G. Martínez); WM Institutional Relations Commission (J. Salcedo) and WM Communications Commission (M. Ovando).
A new meeting with the results of the advances of each one of the agreements with each minister will take place on Monday, the 27th of July.

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