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President of the General Assembly receives the International Coordinator of the World March

United States New York | June 17, 2009 21:01
During a meeting with Rafael de la Rubia, Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, the President of the General Assembly, said that there is 100 per cent agreement with the goals of the World March.

The president of the UN General Assembly Miguel d'Escoto and International World March Coordinator Rafael de la Rubia met on June 16 at the UN headquarters in New York to discuss the objectives of the World March and its endorsement by the President of the General Assembly.

In the meeting, which lasted more than an hour and took place in a friendly atmosphere of deep mutual understanding, both parties expressed their firm commitment to work together to promote the World March and its goals, which are in agreement with the founding principles of the United Nations.

D'Escoto said he personally supports the World March because he shares the objectives it pursues and the principles it represents. He said he would work to achieve the support of other member nations, as has already happened with Nicaragua, and that he would help in the organization of the March in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Both parties agreed that there must be "zero tolerance" for nuclear weapons and that it was essential to achieve their complete eradication, one of the main objectives of the World March.

After the meeting, de la Rubia met with the Chinese Mission to the United Nations to explain the goals of the March, discuss China's endorsement of the March and the possibilities of the March passing through China.


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