יום שלישי 16 ביולי 2024 Bookmark and Share
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חדשות החודש

כבר 93 ימים של צעדה!
2 לאוקטובר 2009
2 לינואר 2010

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - מידע שימושי

The World march at Pakistan-India border

Pakistan Lahore - Wagah Border | 14. באוקטובר 2009 10:00
If there was one symbolic act that could not have been missed in Asia, it was that one ! People from Pakistan and India , the two emerging nuclear powers in eternal conflict, have gathered at the border to express symbolically to their respective governments, that they are fed up with wars, violences, manipulated terrorism and nuclear proliferation.

It was 4pm in Pakistan and India when groups of the world march from both sides joined the border. While on India side, Sudhir Gandotra, spoke-person for new humanism in Asia-pacific, came with a delegation of the world march base team, on the other side the pakistani humanists gathered at Wagah with banners, flags and tee-shirt of the march.

People were coming from Lahore, the second largest city of Pakistan, and other places of Punjab. Reached at the border they had no permision to pass and meet with the Indian friendly group of the world march, on the other side the same, it was not permitted to cross, visa not provided!

Pakistan with all the desperate situation is living today has not had the privilege to host the world march base team delegation. Anyway, the two groups were there, showing to the world their intentions and from far away they could see for a while the same flags flying over.

Irshad Ahmad Mughal, World march local coordinator in Pakistan, adressed to the crowd exposing the reasons why they decided to endorse and suppport World March for Peace and Non-Violence: "We humanists in Pakistan are fed up with violence, direct or indirect. We want to get rid of it. We are living in it since many years and hardly know peace. Peaceful days have become history. Daily we use to listen, attacks, suicide bombing, Drone attacks in our land. Common people want peace."

More, the press release of the world march in Pakistan mentionned the following demands to politics and government: "the signing of the CTBT (Comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty) and NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) unilaterally and to stop immediately to use large part of national budget to armament and nuclear proliferation. (...) a treaty of non-aggression with India. (...) the inclusion in our constitution of the renunciation to use war. We want peace now and for a long future, we want the betterment of our daily life, education to non-violence in schools, respect and protection of all minorities and respect of the diversity of religious beliefs present in Pakistan."

Anees Ahmad Khan Lodhi and Aneek Dar were the organisers of this march-gathering and of the football match that followed in Lahore, Model town football academy stadium. Albert Patras from the organisation SEP (Society for the Empowerment of People) was also present and many others we thanks a lot for their participation.

Below you can see a video, credits to Shahzad Mughal.


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