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חדשות החודש

כבר 93 ימים של צעדה!
2 לאוקטובר 2009
2 לינואר 2010

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - מידע שימושי

The World March wins the 2009 JOSC Achievement Prize

Benin Cotonou | 27. באוקטובר 2009 09:18
On October 19th, 20th, and 21st, humanist workers from the COHUB association (Cercle des Ouvriers Humanistes) in Benin participated in the 2009 Civil Society Days (JOSC), where they won the Achievement Prize for their presentation and campaign implemented within the framework of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

On October 19th, 20th, and 21st, humanist workers from the COHUB association in Benin participated in the 2009 Civil Society Days (JOSC), where they won the Achievement Prize for their campaign within the framework of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.

At the close of the Civil Society Days, the panel of judges awarded the 2nd national Civil Society Prize (the 2009 prize) to the COHUB association and the humanist workers promoting the World March in Benin. This 2nd prize is entitled the “Achievement Prize”.

Appearing before the Minister in charge of organizing the Civil Society Days, the COHUB president and World March coordinator for Benin made the following statement:

“We, the humanist workers of Benin, in perfect harmony with the official delegation traversing the globe from Wellington, New Zealand to Punta de Vacas, Argentina, and within the framework of the World March for Peace and Non-Violence, dedicate this Prize to the thousands of people hurt by wars and other violence, to the World without War organization, and to other defenders of human rights around the world, as well as to the Nobel Prize Committee who devote their efforts to the cause of World Peace. Forward march! And may we achieve our goals!”

CERCLE DES OUVRIERS HUMANISTES Email: [email protected] Website: www.ouvriers-humanistes.org

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