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Pristina: The World March denounces the artificial separation of peoples and the use of war to impose peace

Pristina | 03. בנובמבר 2009 11:01
The World March on day 6 of its tour through the Balkans arrives in Kosovo, coinciding with the arrival of Bill Clinton who is in town to receive the thanks of the Kosovan people. World March organisers and nonviolence activists denounced the wars in the Balkans as being manipulated by outside forces driven by selfish interests rather than the good of the people.

The World March was met today in Pristina by representatives of; Vetevendosje, involved in the promotion of human rights, self-determination for Kosovars and the Multicultural Pedagogical Institute, PEDAKS and Operazione Colomba, a network of young volunteers who promote dialogue between all the five communities in Kosovo: Albanians, Serbs, Roma, Egyptians and Turks.

A March took place through the central street of the city where Spokesperson, Giorgio Schultze addressed the assembled members of the press to speak about the aims of the March and denounced the use of war as a means to resolve conflicts.

Commenting on the days events Schultze said, “Today in Pristina, we experienced a paradox when two histories crossed paths; one, a popular celebration of Bill Clinton whose administration a few years ago was bombing the people to create a more and more fragmented region – a direction that has no future; and one of an apparently small group of people with a project that has a very great future – the creation of the Universal Human Nation where people can move freely where ever they like without border controls.”

Selvete Thaqi, member of the team of Marchers who has travelled on the March since the 5th October in Egypt, and native Kosovan said, “I felt very good to be there with humanists from around the world and to show the local people that we exist, and I was very happy that the media came even though Bill Clinton was in town and we could still give our message of peace and nonviolence. It was great to meet different organisations in Pristina who helped us move around and of course it was great to meet my family. The weather was kind to us and we took pictures in the sun at all the most important landmarks of the city. We have achieved everything we set out to do. We have many contacts now and, as World without Wars, we hope to work closer with these people once the March has finished.”

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