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כבר 93 ימים של צעדה!
2 לאוקטובר 2009
2 לינואר 2010

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - מידע שימושי

First March for Peace in Vrancea

Romania Focsani | 18. בדצמבר 2009 18:30
The rally, organizers want the message to be more powerful: the participation of many shows that people desire a world in May good, without wars and violence, is spread it. With a march around the world can your message across in places where idea of social mobilization is not yet fixed in the minds of people

Friday, December 18th, the first peace march was held in the Vrancea Focsani under abundant snowfall.
The march was planned in the tail of the International Day of Minorities: the Municipal Theater of the capital vranceno gathered several schools in the county to stage singing, Colinde (Christmas melodies typical of Romania), theater and breakdancing, prefecture, county, municipality, all institutions attended the event organized by the Studies.

The boys in the center of Pinochio Panciu attended with a cheery show of juggling: their colored clown wigs made diabolos whirl and walked on stilts dancing and improvising small skatch perhaps are not yet perfect jugglers, as more than Diablo once touched the ground, but slowly are getting used to the emotion from the stage and the audience applauded as if the team of young clown Rom pentru Rom had a team of expert jugglers.

At the end of the show Alexander, the director of the association could explain the incident to the public in the audience, the motivation, the relationship with the First World March for Peace and Non-Violence, the international significance and importance of social took this event in Vrancea: all children and youth in attendance were called on stage to unroll a banner with the inscription "Peace, a bridge to the world", conceived, written and colored by George, Adit, and the boys along with volunteers from the Rom pentru Rom
Unfortunately, because of snow accumulated on roads the brand has been a reduction in the number of participants: many schools are due to leave for their places of origin, geographically dispersed vranceno spent almost his knees by the heavy snowfall last week.

But about 30 people, including students of Liceo Ioan Slavici Panciu and boys of the Center for Pinochio Panciu, both actually organizing the event along with the Ministry of Education of Vrancea, made a symbolic mini-trip to the Square that houses City Hall, county and prefecture.

At three institutions was given a gift each (quarter was given to the Ministry of Education in the theater), a peace flag specially created by a local firm that the children of the center have "signed" with the colorful imprints of hands.
The eyes of passers-by were laid with wonder about this group of protesters cold, someone requested information, many people smile in this part of Europe is rare to see events like this.

The organizers were extremely pleased with the outcome of the march, although there is a large number of participants: the risk of not doing anything because of the snow and cold, until the end of the show, would be a shame not only for the great work done to get permits, but also and especially for the symbolic value that it wants to take first gear.
The institutions have responded well, especially the appearance of the delegations with gifts, and spent words of support and membership.

The hope is to repeat the march next year, perhaps anticipating a few weeks to avoid the snow would be a very meaningful if we could create a fixture, a time of sharing that could bring in more and more present reality in the county ( but also national ones), both social and institutional ones, trying to bring issues like non-violence, social inclusion, discrimination at the center of discussion.

Romania is a reality in continuous movement to Europe, the Vrancea belongs to the least sensitive and most backward nation, events of this kind have not yet taken on significant people: the role of social realities such as the Rom pentru Rom should be precisely to disseminate certain messages between people and make them as popular as possible, all the better if the action part by the young, as in the case of this little reality Panciu.


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