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WM in Oslo-Norway 29.10

Norway Oslo | 29. Ottobre 2009 19:38
The Vice President of the National Parliament in Norway, Akthar Chaudrey, received a delegation from the World March. We discussed some of the serious challenges the world faces today when it comes to the growing production of arms and conflicts

We urged the Norwegian Government to reduce Norways export of arms. The government of Norway supports the total elimination of nuclear arms, and the whole nation have great hope in Obamas chances to help us reach that goal.

After the visit at the Parliament, the delegation was invited to a Primary School in Oslo, where the children had been writing poems and wishes for peace on peacedovs. It was very touching to hear the pupils sing songs and read their poems. The colourful peacedovs where handed over to the delegation to bring on their march further.

Then followed a visit to the Nobel Peace Centre and the exhibition "From King to Obama". In the afternoon the World March in Norway together with the Norwegian Peace Alliance, organised a big meeting in front of the Parliament in the centre of Oslo. An hour programme with different speakers, authors, quire and musicians, before the whole group on around 150 - 200 people marched down Oslos parade-road with torches that light up in the dark evening. In front of the Central station we made a human peace symbol with our torches.

In the evening there was a celebration and dinner at the Chile Culturehouse in Oslo, with dancers from Chile and musicians from Norway. The two members from the base team; Juantia Mckenzie and Montserrat Ponsa talked about their experience with the World March.

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