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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

National Assembly of Mali endorses the March

Mali Bamako | 20. 6月 2009 02:35
The little known West African country of Mali, possibly most famous for the legendary city of Timbuktu, confirms that the National Assembly and Assembly President fully support the World March.

The Republic of Mali is a former French colony with a population of 12 million people and a 90% Muslim population.  It is the 7th largest country in Africa and according to UN statistics one of the poorest countries in the world.

Following an approach by the National Promotion Team a letter has just been received confirming the endorsement of the Assembly and the Assembly's President, Dioncounda Traoré.

In his letter President Traoré said, "The aims of this march being in perfect harmony with the commitment of our country, to promote peace, understanding and solidarity between people, I can assure you, Mr Coordinator, of our total support, the National Assembly and myself, to this worldwide event of high humanitarian impact."

Gaoussou BATHILY, World March Coordinator in Mali said, "This is an important bonus for us!"

The World March

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