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行進日 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

Trieste celebrates October 2

Italy Trieste | 03. 10月 2009 07:00
A exhibition, a collective "vibration" and a concert greet in Trieste the departure of World March and celebrate Gandhi's birthday.

Day has begun at 4 PM in "Spazio Villas" in S.Giovanni Park with a photographic exhibtion "Sull'amore" (about Love) of the photographic group "Cesuralab".

The afternoon has been charaterized by an informative stand about World March where, besides receiving more information about the March, it was possible to subscribe to the human peace sign scheduled for 7th november in Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia. Close to that, a little booth with food and drinks  to finance the World March.

At 7 PM, in the magic atmosphere created by the voices of "Madre Terra" and the sound of Marco Laurent's didgeridoo, the event "Tune the world" has begun, at the exact same time with other italian towns. The partecipants have sincronized themselves together with the rest of the world on the note C#, rolling up the planet in a unique vibration and enforcing the base vibration. Vocalization has been supported by thoughts toward peace.

Later on, the show "Poeticon" with readings of the argentinian writer Maria Sanchez Puyade and her friends.

Finally at 8.30 PM we moved in the nearby little theather for the last event: the "Concert for peace and nonviolence" performed by Eldad Tarmu, well-known vibraphonist from United States, Giuliano Tull (sax) and Andrea Zullian (double-bass). The concert has been introduced by the  organizers speeches to illustrate the World March for peace and nonviolence, together with videos explaining the worldwide event.


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