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Middle East base team at Armageddon

Israel Armageddon | 15. 10月 2009 16:56
On October 14th, activists of the base team of the World March in the Middle East, members of the Humanist Movement and Greenpeace Israel, created a representation of a nuclear catastrophe at Armageddon (Mount Megiddo, in the north of Israel) in the place where, according to Christian tradition, the final battle will take place in the future between the forces of Good and Evil.

During the demonstration, activists displayed a giant, 8 metre by 3 metre placard with the slogan “Disarmament or Armageddon.”

While the ecological organisations are concerned with global warming, the demonstrators were there to remind the world that “Humanity can be wiped out simply by pressing the Red Button.”

Sharon Dolev, director of Greenpeace Israel’s Campaign for Disarmament and Peace said: “Our greatest threat is also the easiest to get rid of. It’s time to understand that the Bomb is the greatest threat to Humanity. This menace is the exact opposite of ‘security‘. The time has come for the leaders of the world to stop playing with numbers and fix the date for universal negotiations that will lead to general disarmament. The arrival of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in Israel reminds us that the fight for a peaceful world, free of nuclear armaments, is a universal struggle.”

Giorgio Schultze, European spokesman for the Humanist Movement declared that “the world’s nuclear powers possess more than 30,000 nuclear warheads, enough to destroy the entire planet 25 times over. With this threat, all humanity is hostage to the whims and interests of the military-industrial and financial apparatus. It isn’t governments but the people who must demand a future free of this menace, a future based on dialogue, on tolerance and on nonviolence in the conduct of relations between peoples.” In conclusion, Schultze added: “The moral basis of a world without violence is the Golden Rule, “Treat others as you wish to be treated by them”, a very simple call that has echoed down the centuries, but one that has never been fully applied.”


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