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Estonian parliament welcomes delegation from the World March

Estonia Tallinn | 27. 10月 2009 07:13
A group made up of Estonian Liberal and Green Party MPs, led by Toomas Trapido, welcomed the World March base team to Tallinn. Rafael de la Rubia, spokesperson for the march, presented the Parliament with the March Manifesto, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol and the Charter for a World without Violence drafted by Nobel Peace Laureates.

A group made up of Estonian Liberal and Green Party MPs, led by Green Party member Toomas Trapido, welcomed several members of the World March base team to Tallinn. They talked about one of the proudest events in Estonian history: the “The Singing Revolution” which took place in the late 1980’s and 1991 and resulted in independence for the 3 Baltic States. It was a non-violent revolution in which hundreds of thousands of people united in the struggle to cast off the yoke of Soviet rule. The Estonians succeeded in gaining recognition of their country’s existence without losing a single life.

Rafael de la Rubia, spokesperson for the World March, presented the Parliament with the March’s three documents: the March Manifesto, the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Protocol, and the Charter for a World without Violence drafted by Nobel Peace Laureates.

Costa Rican MP and base team member Alexander Mora related the many benefits for nations who go without military infrastructure. In fact, after being torn by a civil war that resulted in almost 1000 dead, Costa Rica abolished its army in 1949. That makes Costa Rica one of the first nations to disband its army, a shining example and one of the main objectives proposed by the World March for governments around the globe.

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