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PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - 役に立つ情報

World March in the City Hall of Rotterdam

Netherlands Amsterdam | 01. 11月 2009 20:56
A delegation of the World March Base Team was received in the City Hall of Rotterdam by the Vice Mayor and participated in a march through the center, giving homage to the Zadkine Monument “The destroyed city” and Erasmus.

On the 2e of November a delegation of the World March Base Team was received in the City Hall of Rotterdam by the vice mayor, Jantine Kriens. After speeches of Jantine Kriens, Huis van Erasmus and words spoken by Monserrat Ponsa of the WM Base Team, the Manifest of the WM and the Charter for a world without violence of the Nobel Peace prize Laureates Summit was handed to the vice mayor, who pledged to take the contents into account for the policy of the city.

 From the City Hall about 40 marchers walked to the Zadkine monument "The destroyed city", where a homage was done to the many innocent victims of the bombing of the city in 1940, with speeches and poems of the city poet, Jana Beranova, followed bythe laying of flowers.

 The march continued to the Grotekerk square, where a homage was done to the greatest North European historical humanist Erasmus, citizen of Rotterdam. Mr. Ruud Lubbers, former Prime Minister and former high commissioner for the UN, held an inspiring speech in which he said that the world need thousands of Erasmuses to end the era of violence.

 After peace poems and the forming of a Peace Sign and the World March ceremony, flowers were laid at the base of the statue of Erasmus.

 The day ended with a indoor event in NIVON, where members of the WM base Team told about their experiences during their tour through the world, and a wonderful reception at the Mandir Tempel of the Arya Sabha of the Rotterdam Surinam-Hindu community.


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