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5000 gather in Florence for the World March

Italy Florence | 13. 11月 2009 05:38
Yesterday, November 11, a celebratory and colourful parade made its way through Florence together with the marchers for Peace and Nonviolence. At least 5000 people from all over Tuscany snaked through the streets of the centre of Florence to accompany the marchers, who were making a stop in the Tuscan regional capital.

A celebratory and colourful parade snaked through Florence yesterday, made up of elementary school children, many high school students and people of all ages and places who came together to say no to violence and demand a world where arms are only a memory.

The parade ended in Piazza della Signoria with a speech by two marchers and the singing of “Tune the World,” and the demonstration ended with a mass karaoke featuring the John Lennon song, ‘Imagine,’ under the direction of Andrea Landi, the leader of the Train de Vie.

In the meantime, in Palazzo Vecchio, in the Salone dei Duegento, marchers received a memorial plaque from the Florentine authorities, and the schoolchildren were given prizes for their work on peace, which they have carried out in recent months under the auspices of the competition, ‘Marching for Peace and Nonviolence.”

The March for Peace and Nonviolence is continuing its Italian leg on to Rome and Attigliano, and will then resume its journey around the world, which will take it through Africa and all of the Americas, before ending next January 2 at Punta de Vacas at the foot of the Aconcagua in Argentina.

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